‘Build it, and they will come’ only works in the movies.’ Social media is a ‘build it, nurture it, engage them, and they may come and stay.’ – Seth Godin
And we are talking about Social Media alone here. Can you imagine the extent of the issue with the whole of marketing – both online and offline – in your mind?
As the marketing world is spreading its wings, the requirements and responsibilities on your part as the business owner or decision-maker are increasing.
The need to keep tabs on every marketing process, the need to follow up on your strategy for every single digital platform, and, above all, the need to understand, remember and apply marketing jargon might get a little out of hand at times. Especially when it comes to marketing terms, there’s a conceptual backing to everything you read in the digital content world.
Can you single-handedly keep track of all those terms?
In all honesty, for someone not very well-versed with marketing terms that keep popping up here and there, it is difficult to say ‘yes.’
So, while you are reading a value-loaded marketing article laden with totally unfamiliar jargon, even paying special attention won’t get you anywhere past Google (where you’d have to keep coming back to understand every other word). And, that excessive reading to understand everything will ultimately frustrate you.
So, why not familiarize yourself with the most ‘in’ marketing terms?
Keeping this need of business owners in mind, here’s an attempt to familiarize each of you with the most important marketing jargon. We intend to design a marketing glossary to further ease your reading experience, with a cross-over into:
- Digital marketing;
- Marketing communication;
- Public relations;
- Relevant technology; and
- Advertising terms.
Heads up: This is, by far, the most comprehensive marketing glossary you will come across on the web. Make sure to keep it handy to make the best out of it.
So, let’s get started:
1. A/B Testing:
A/B testing, also known as split testing, is a method to determine the performance of two different versions of a webpage against each other. In terms of marketing, you can test any two variants of two components of a marketing process through A/B testing.
2. Abandoned Cart:
Cart Abandonment is an e-commerce phrase used to identify a product page visitor who leaves the page after adding the product to the cart but before completing the purchase process. For instance, travelers often add things to their shopping cart online but leave without finishing the purchase when they arrive at their destination.
While the reasons for cart abandonment vary widely, the term is not explicitly related to any specific reason.
3. Above The Fold:
This is the content of a webpage that is visible to a user without scrolling down the page – the portion of the screen you see as you land on the website.
4. Above The Line, or ATL:
Above-the-line or ATL advertising campaigns are mass targeted, using all kinds of broadcast media such as television, radio, and newspaper advertisements.
5. Ad:
The term ‘ad’ is short for advertisement. It is a way of communicating with customers about your business product or service to educate or influence individuals who see them.
The business owner, meaning to promote his or her business, pays for these advertisements.
6. Adaptive Content:
Adaptive content means that your content changes for every medium – from electronic to voice to print – or from user to user. In essence, adaptive content refers to the personalization of the content.
7. Ad Fatigue:
“Ad fatigue” arises when the audience has seen or interacted with your ads so many times that they begin to get sick of them, ultimately ceasing to pay attention.
The most common causes of ad fatigue are high ad frequency, small audience size, and low variety of creatives. Higher ad fatigue leads to lower ad campaign success or conversion rate, damaging your ROI.
8. AdSense:
AdSense is an advertising tool from Google that places ads on your websites as the publisher and pays you when the visitors click on those ads. For AdSense to show ads on your website, you need to meet minimum eligibility criteria and register on the platform for monetization.
9. Advertising:
Advertising is the way of marketing communication through which brands promote their products or services to potential buyers.
10. Advertising Agency:
An advertising agency or ad agency is an intermediary that handles the planning, creation, and handling of a brand’s promotional material on their behalf.
11. Advertising Plan:
An advertising plan is a written strategy about how you want to promote your business. This could include plans to advertise on newspapers, banners, billboards and hoardings, direct mail – such as fliers or postcards – and online advertisements on websites, Google, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, and Twitter, among other platforms, according to your business needs.
This plan aims to create a single or multi-channel strategy with the right kind of messages that speak to, nurture, and convert your target audiences.
12. Adware:
Adware is the umbrella term for all the software that places pop-up ads on your browser or apps.
13. Affiliate Marketing:
Affiliate marketing is the promotion of products on an affiliate marketer’s own website or social media handles. Each time a sale is tracked with an affiliate’s efforts, a unanimously decided amount is paid to them.
14. Affinity Marketing:
Affinity marketing is the symbiosis of two brands to gain customers. Both the brands or symbionts team up to tap into new markets through each other’s customer base.
15. After-sales service:
When customers have purchased a company’s product or service, the support they get from the company against that purchase is called the after-sales service of the company. These services may vary widely from company to company and from product to product.
For instance, as a business, you may offer a 2-year warranty on one product and a 3-year warranty on another. However, your competitors may have utterly different warranty durations for those same products.
16. Aggressive Marketing:
Aggressive marketing is the use of provocative advertising techniques to garner a response from the audience. It uses advertising warfare ways, where a brand targets another brand to attack its advertising efforts in return for some attention from the prospects.
17. Agile Marketing:
Agile marketing is an organizational effectiveness approach that focuses on taking up high-growth projects. Cross-functional teams come in contact to complete the tasks and check the project performance continuously.
18. Alt Text:
Alt text or alternate text (or Alt description or attribute) is a word or an expression that can be inserted as an attribute in an HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) document to denote the meaning or quality of an image. Alt text is presented in a blank box that usually contains an image.
It makes search engines, visually impaired visitors, or visitors with partially or entirely unloaded images understand what the image looks like.
19. Algorithm:
An algorithm is a series of instructions programmed for a particular purpose to be carried out. It may be a basic procedure, such as combining two numbers, or a complicated operation, such as playing a compressed video file.
Search engines use proprietary algorithms to show the most significant returns from their search database for particular queries.
20. Analytics:
Analytics, in terms of marketing, refers to extracting useful patterns from overtime data.
Marketing analytics is a way to use consumer behavior patterns adequately to market products more effectively in the future. In the digital marketing world, companies use analytics tools to position their products better.
21. Anchor Text:
The anchor text is the clickable, readable text of a link. Typically, it is underlined in a different color to the accompanying text.
Strong text from the anchor tells the reader what to expect if the connection is clicked. Having the right anchor text increases the chances of someone clicking on your post.
22. Attribution:
The definition of attribution includes the act of giving credit to another for doing something or the qualities or features of a specific entity. It is the behavior of seeing something as being prompted by an entity or a thing.
In terms of marketing, attribution refers to the touchpoints that a customer encounters on during the purchase process and that are credited with contributing to the client’s decision to make the purchase.
23. Audience:
An audience is a collection of individuals that engage in a performance or experience a piece of art, literature (in which they are referred to as “readers”), theatre, music (referred to as “listeners”), computer games (referred to as “players”), or another form of academia.
In terms of marketing, the audience (or target audience) is a group of individuals considered ideal for a particular purpose – for instance, ideal customers for your business. They are grouped based on the similar features they depict. Therefore, an audience is the perfect group of individuals you can deal with as a single entity while interacting with or sending your messages across to them.
24. Automation:
Automation is the process of using software for repetitive tasks. It is the use of technology for performing the marketing functions more efficiently. These functions include email marketing, social media posting, and sometimes ad campaigns, to name a few.
25. Auto responder:
An autoresponder is a computer program that responds to a particular user action automatically in a predefined manner. It can be quite simple or very complicated. Examples include a thank you email in response to a purchase or a piece of information sent during personal Facebook messaging with a business as the potential client picks a specific question or one of the options listed with a question.
26. Awareness:
Awareness, in terms of marketing, is known as brand awareness. It refers to how readily customers recognize a product by its name. Brand awareness is the act of telling your potential consumers who you are and what you do – in a way that stays in their minds.
Companies put in an immense amount of effort to make sure their name and products remain at the top of their target audience’s minds.
27. B2B:
Business to business, or B2B, refers to interactions occurring between two businesses or companies. These two businesses can either be suppliers, retailers, wholesalers, or a mix of all these categories.
28. B2C:
Business to consumer, or B2C, is a type of interaction that occurs between a company and a consumer.
For example, when a seller of perfumes sells the fragrances to a buyer, such a transaction is called a B2C transaction.
29. Backlinks:
Backlinks are the links that come to a website through another website.
In simple terms, they are the links that lead the readers of one website to another.. Just like brands, when a website has more links (backlinks), it is considered stronger and more authentic.
30. Banner Ad
A web banner or banner ad is a form of advertisement distributed by an ad server on the world wide web. This method of online advertising involves embedding a web page with an ad. It is designed to draw visitors to a website by connecting to the advertiser’s website.
31. Banner Blindness:
Banner blindness is the act of visitors of a website to consciously or unconsciously ignore a web banner. The degree of banner blindness measures the effectiveness of a banner ad.
High banner blindness (and, hence, the lower effectiveness of the banner ad) mainly indicates that either the message doesn’t resonate with the audience or the website is over-saturated with such information.
32. Barter:
Barter is the act of exchanging goods or services without the involvement of money (or a monetary medium, such as a credit card) between two or more people. Bartering entails the procurement of one good or service by one party in exchange for another good or service from the other party.
33. BCG Matrix:
Boston Consulting Group (BCG) matrix is a measure of a product’s strategic strength in a company’s portfolio. It categorizes the products into four categories to evaluate their success and potential for the business name and profits. These are:
STAR: The product that is outshining all the other products in terms of growth and market share
CASH COW: The product that has a significant market share but is stable in terms of growth
QUESTION MARK: The product that has a low market share, but it is multiplying in terms of growth
UNDERDOG: The product that is low in growth and market share and needs more attention
34. Below The Line:
Unlike above the line advertisements meant for mass awareness, below the line advertising is meant to drive useful, direct relationships with potential audiences. This type of advertising includes platforms other than radio and television, such as email campaigns, laser-targeted search engine marketing, leaflets, etc.
35. Benchmarking:
Benchmarking is the process of quality analysis and opportunity detection where you evaluate your products, services, or processes compared to the best in your industry or niche, or against the set standards. Not only does this process give you an idea of where you currently stand, but also of what you can do to improve.
36. Bid:
A bid is an offer by an investor, broker, or dealer to purchase security, an asset, or currency. It refers to the amount of a product or a service that a buyer is interested in against a unanimusly agreed upon reunion. The offer stipulates the price that the prospective bidder is willing to pay for the proposed price, as well as the sum he or she will purchase for the agreed-upon price. An example would include the highest bid value you are willing to pay Facebook against your ad being shown to or viewed by a potential client.
It also refers to the price at which a security is ready to be bought by a market maker. But market producers must still show an asking price, unlike retail consumers.
37. Blog:
Blog, the short form of a weblog, is the informational page of a website that uses conversational style posts. These posts are used to relay conceptual information about the business.
38. Blue Ocean Strategy:
Blue ocean strategy is a market penetration strategy where a unique product/service is introduced in a completely new market. All the business efforts are to stay low-cost or maintain the differentiation to resist competition in the category. The best example of the strategy would be for a business with a high innovation level, therefore, low to no competition and high demand.
Netflix is currently the best example of the blue ocean strategy, where it created a high demand for itself by revolutionizing the movie-rental business.
39. Bot:
A bot is a software application designed to execute an automation duty or function.
Bots work according to given instructions without a human user having to start them up. They usually do routine tasks, those too more efficiently than human users.
Bots can also mimic the actions of a human consumer or substitute them.
40. Bottom Of The Funnel:
The bottom of a funnel, BOF or BoFu, is the part of the sales process where all the marketing efforts finally turn fruitful. The prospective lead turns into a customer by buying the promoted product or service.
41. Bounce Rate:
The bounce rate is the percentage of users who enter a website but leave without viewing any other website page.
42. Brand Identity:
Brand identity covers all the visual aspects of a brand, such as the logo, color, and design that stay with the consumer and make them think of the brand upon an encounter with these elements. Every brand strives to achieve a distinctive brand identity in the consumer’s mind.
43. Brand Persona:
A brand persona is the set of personality traits a brand stands for. For example, Nike shows strength as its core value in all its promotional activities, so Nike has a brand persona of strength.
44. Brand Recall:
Brand recall is the brand’s ability to strike the consumer’s mind when they’re reminded of a brand component.
For example, when you hear “cola,” you instantly think of Coca Cola. So, Coca Cola has a strong brand recall.
45. Brand Recognition:
Brand recognition is the extent to which a consumer can correctly associate the brand’s visual aspects to it if presented with only clues. For example, McDonald’s logo is a tool for its strong brand recognition.
46. B-Roll:
B-roll, B-reel, or B reel is extra or alternate footage that you capture, in addition to the main footage. B-roll gives you flexibility in editing, adds variety to your video, and makes your story more engaging.
For instance, throughout a 1-minute talk with a politician, you don’t have to stick to a continuous shot of them speaking as that may bore your audience. You could cut to your B-roll on and off, with relevant imagery showing what the politician is talking about.
47. Buyer Persona
A buyer persona is a semi-fictional depiction focused on your current clients’ market analysis and actual data about your ideal clients.
It also refers to a fact-based portrayal of the consumer who will invest cash with you against your product/services. This profile is generated by market analysis and online data collection with regard to the current customers. Demographics, behavioral patterns, motives, and priorities are important data to gather.
48. Byline:
Byline, sideline, or secondary line is a short introductory line regarding the content and the author. This could either go at the start or the end of your content on websites, magazines, films, or any content requiring branding.
49. Case Study:
A case study is a step-by-step document explaining execution, analysis, and the findings or results of a process. It is basically the whole story of how your company conducted a project, as well as the resulting outcomes.
For instance, a marketing firm case study would give you insight into a customized strategy execution process for a client, explaining the client’s pain points, the plan of action to get rid of them, and the results of the entire process.
50. C2C:
Consumer-to-consumer interactions are those interactions that occur between two consumers generally in a digital space. It is usually the buying and selling of products or services between two consumers through a common platform that might charge a certain fee to facilitate this interaction.
51. Call to Action:
A call-to-action is a phrase used in advertising which encourages a customer to take immediate action. Phrases – such as ‘Hurry Up! The sale ends on such and such date’, ‘Shop Now,’ or ‘Learn More’ – that ask the reader to take a specific action are known as call-to-action phrases.
52. Campaign:
A political campaign is an orchestrated movement that aims to affect the advancement of policy-making within a given party. Election campaigns also refer to electoral campaigns in democracies, where candidates are picked or referendums are voted upon.
Similarly, in marketing, a campaign refers to the sequence of planned activities to draw a required output, such as taking visitors to a specific webpage, selling a product or service, or getting email addresses from targeted individuals.
53. Churn Rate:
Churn rate is the rate at which people stop their interaction with a given business or the rate at which a company loses its clients in a given time period.
Some examples include consumers unsubscribing to a website or a software program, or uninstalling an app.
54. Classified
The word classified literally means dividing or arranging in categories.
A classified advertisement is a type of advertisement categorized and arranged in newspapers. These ads are wildly popular in newspapers, online, and other periodicals, which can be sold or circulated free of charge.
Classified ads are much cheaper than the more prominent display ads used by corporations, while display ads are more common.
55. Clickbait
Clickbait usually refers to the process of writing sensationalized or misleading headlines to generate clicks on a piece of content. Click-bait also relies on exaggerating statements or leaving out key facts to get the anticipated traction.
56. Click-through Rate:
Click-through-rate is the ratio between the number of people who have clicked on a link to the number of visitors that land on the linked page. A high click-through rate shows the performance of your keywords and ads.
57. Closed-loop Marketing:
Closed-loop marketing is the use of analytics and insights to create better marketing strategies, contributing to an increasing ROI. To “close the loop,” advertisers need to map and evaluate their activities against the customer’s experiences with purchases from the first touchpoint.
58. Comparative Advertising
Comparative advertising is a marketing technique in which a firm’s product or service is shown as superior relative to a competitor’s product or service
A comparative promotional strategy can entail printing a side-by-side comparison of the characteristics of a competitor’s goods and one’s own. This sort of marketing can go as far as naming the competitor it is trying to establish as the inferior option.
59. Content Delivery System:
This is a geographically distributed network of servers that ensure a fast website loading time to speed up the delivery of the requested page to a user by connecting them to the most appropriately located server.
60. Content Management System:
A content management system is software that enables multiple content creators to publish and edit their website content from one unified platform for each website.
61. Content Marketing:
Content marketing is a strategy used by advertisers in the digital marketing space to create content relevant and consistent for the users. This form of marketing doesn’t directly sell or promote the business but entices the visitors to learn more about the business by informing, educating, or entertaining them about relevant pain points in the given niche.
62. Content Optimization System:
A content optimization system is used to revise and research existing content on the website, either manually or through artificial intelligence.
A content optimization system aims to ensure the creation and delivery of the right content to the largest possible chunk of the right audience.
63. Content Writing:
Content writing is the type of writing that is used to craft content that informs, entertains, or educates the prospects, establishes the business as the market leader or authority, gets the visitors interested in the brand’s products or services and/or generates traffic.
64. Conversion Path:
The conversion path refers to the steps taken by a web visitor until they reach the end goal established by the website owner. For instance, if the website owner’s conversion goal is to sell a product, the specific pages the visitor has visited, and the content that has pushed them toward the final goal acquisitions define the conversion path.
65. Conversion Rate:
Conversion rate is the number of visitors who purchase an item out of the total number of visitors who clicked through to the web page. For example, if an e-store has a traffic of 100 visitors on its website, out of whom five purchased a product, the conversion rate is (5/100) x 100 = 5% for that e-store.
66. Conversion Rate Optimization:
Conversion rate optimization, or CRO, is the system or process used to increase the percentage of individuals taking a desired action. For example, the process to increase the average sales of a business product in a given time would be the conversion rate optimization for the sales-conversion event for that product.
67. Contextual Marketing:
Contextual marketing is a digital marketing technique where you target consumers by the content they search online. Cookies store the search pattern on the websites that later help the business target its potential buyers.
68. Consumer Behavior:
Consumer behavior refers to the behavioral patterns of a customer during the complete process of buying and disposing off a product.
69. Convenience Store:
A convenience store is a small retail store that stocks up many product categories such as snacks and other food items, coffee and other beverages, newspaper and magazines, toiletries, and other groceries, all at one retail outlet. Convenience stores usually remain open till the late night hours.
70. Cookie
Cookies are files saved on your computer and meant to retain a limited, unique amount of information about a specific website or customer. A cookie’s primary function is to store visitor’s information and classify the customer so that his or her web experience can be customized effectively.
71. Copy
A copy is a text within a publication or composition. Copying refers to any text digitally written or reproduced to attract your audience to your product or service. The copy is supposed to be an advertisement for your business – such as ad copy or website copy – unlike content that doesn’t directly sell.
72. Copyrights
Copyright is a type of legal security and permission granted to the authors of original works. The copyright holder has the sole right to reproduce, modify, transmit, execute commercially, and view the work publicly. Upon obtaining the permission of the copyright holder, other individuals can also utilize the material and perform these actions.
73. Corrective Advertising:
Corrective advertising applies to the mandate of the Federal Trade Commission to correct the deceptive idea that a false advertisement has created. The organization involved in deceptive advertising is told to end its latest misleading advertisements and make arrangements to reverse the impact of past advertisements. The primary goal of corrective ads is to correct the customer’s incorrect perceptions about a brand, its products, or services.
74. Cost Per Action (CPA)
CPA is an online advertising technique that enables advertisers to pay a certain amount to get a targeted individual to take the required action. These actions could range from visiting a page, to clicking a link, making a subscription, booking a ticket, and ordering a product, among other things.
75. Cost-Per-Click:
Cost-per-click is the amount required by an advertiser to show his or her ad on a publishing platform (search engine). The cost per click is reduced as the click-through-rate of an ad increases.
76. Cost-Per-Lead (CPL)
Cost-Per-Lead, or CPL, is a pricing model in digital marketing whereby the advertiser pays a pre-established price for each lead produced. E-commerce also uses CPL for companies that offer membership services or high-value goods.
77. Cost Per Mile (CPM)
CPM is the premium that a business pays for every 1,000 clicks or impressions that an ad gets. An “impression” refers to viewing a social media campaign, search engines, or another medium for marketing.
78. Counter Advertising:
Counter advertising is the type of advertising that targets another ad. It is used as an ad war technique that gives a counter-message to another ad.
79. Creative:
This is a component of content that an advertiser works on (such as an ad) to create the needed impact by delivering it to a target audience. This impact could include generating a lead or making a sale. Creatives vary in formats, ranging from text, audio, video, and so on.
80. Crowdsource:
Crowdsourcing is the act of getting ideas, services, votes, or even funds from the general public instead of regular employees and companies.
For instance, pooling ideas from a dedicated forum or getting a solution from an online niche-specific group or a fund-raiser event are examples of crowdsourcing.
81. Customer Lifetime Value:
Customer lifetime value is the amount of money a customer expectedly spends on a brand during his or her entire life as the customer of that company.
82. Customer Relationship Management:
Customer relationship management is a system of technologies and strategies to maintain a good relationship with and ensure the satisfaction of past and current clients, as well as future prospects.
83. Customer Retention Rate:
Customer retention rate is the number of customers a company successfully retains during a certain period. The retention rate doesn’t consider new customers that joined the company during the said period.
84. Curation:
Curation is the process of selection, systemization, compilation, and presentation of information on a topic in a way that adds value to it or makes it more useful.
85. Deceptive Advertising:
Deceptive advertising is the use of false marketing claims or incomplete information to promote products.
Promotions that show the presence of certain useful elements in a product (which are actually not a part of the product) or conscious advertising activities undertaken to hide the presence of specific harmful or dangerous components in your products are referred to as deceptive advertising efforts.
86. Demographics:
Demographics refer to the study of data on factors such as age, gender, socio-economic class, and ethnicity. Marketers use this data to target their potential buyers.
87. Description Tag:
A description tag or a meta-description is an HTML code that describes a web page. These codes are not visible on your website and show as text on the search engine result page.
88. Digital Advertising:
Digital advertising promotes a product or service through all online platforms such as search engines and social media platforms. Digital advertising is otherwise frequently known as internet advertising, online advertising, or internet marketing.
89. Direct Mail:
Direct mail is the physical mail that a company posts to a consumer or a business. This type of mail contains promotional material for its product(s) and is actually uninvited and unexpected for the recipient.
Examples include dropping leaflets and other literature content at the potential’s doorsteps, or even sharing brochures in malls or markets, etc.
90. Direct Marketing:
Direct marketing is a promotional effort that focuses on non-mass media tools. It uses customized promotional material for individual customers.
91. Display Advertising:
Display advertising uses visual or auditory tools such as videos, banners, audios, and other images to publish promotional content on publisher websites.
92. Domain Authority:
Domain authority, or DA, is a metric developed by Moz that shows a website’s strength in a particular niche. It scores a website’s ability to rank on a search engine result page. A high DA website means that it is more visible to the users who visit a search engine.
93. Earned Media:
Earned media is your name, mentions, or discussions about your brand in online and offline worlds that you usually have no control over (unless your PR agency helps you with that).
This includes newspaper and news web mentions, public forum discussions, hashtag campaigns, or online reviews.
94. Earnings Per Click (EPC):
Every time a user clicks an affiliate connection, the affiliate marketer earns a certain amount. This amount is known as the earnings per click or EPC.
95. EBook:
An eBook, e-book, or electronic book, is a book published on a digital platform. You can view and read this book on most flat-panel display electronic devices, such as your mobile, tablet, desktop, or laptop.
96. Ecommerce:
Ecommerce is any buying and selling transaction that uses technology. You are an active part of e-commerce if you buy or sell anything electronically or through an online platform, such as a website.
97. Editorial Calendar:
An editorial calendar – also known as a publishing schedule – is a scheduling or calendar document created to maintain a timeline of the content to be published by bloggers, authors, and publishers.
98. Email Lead Generation:
Email lead generation is the process of getting the target market interested in your business through email campaigns. These leads are the potential buyers of your business that you convert through lead-nurturing emails.
99. Email Marketing:
Email marketing is a digital marketing technique in which a business promotes its offering through the medium of email. This includes reaching customers through email for promotional activities and business communication
100. Engagement Marketing:
Engagement marketing is an advertising technique that uses meaningful interactions as a promotional tool for businesses. Engagement marketers use the power of valuable, engaging content to initiate relationships with prospects.
101. End-User:
The end-user is the target person for whom the product is designed and who gets to use it. The term is used explicitly for the users of software programs or hardware devices.
102. Evergreen Content:
Evergreen content is a content type that remains useful and relevant for users for a long period of time – it almost never goes out of date. Evergreen content doesn’t depend on a recent happening or event; therefore, it has a longer life-span for readers.
103. Exact Match Keyword:
When a business has made a bid for the same keyword that a searcher searches for, it is known as the exact match keyword. When marketers opt for exact-match keywords, their ads show up only when the prospects type the same term in their browsers.
104. Eye Tracking:
Eye tracking is the process of recording the movement of the eyeballs or the eyes with respect to the head.
In terms of marketing, tracking eye movements allows marketers to determine the website content that managed to get the required attention or content that did not get noticed. This analysis helps marketers and researchers improve their websites by fixing the issues.
105. Facebook:
Facebook is a social networking platform that helps individuals and businesses connect, share, and reshare social content such as pictures, videos, and texts.
106. Favicon:
A favicon is a file containing small icons of the images present on a website.
107. Featured Snippet:
A summary of the response to a user’s search that appears at the top of a Google SERP is called a featured snippet. The search engine usually fetches it from a web page that contains relevant information.
108. First Mover Advantage:
A first mover is a business that taps into a market when no other business has entered it. It has the advantage of being the first in the niche to take its time to grow without competition.
109. Fixed Sum Per Unit Method:
This is a budgeting approach used in advertising where you allocate a set amount for different operations. The sum of these operations represents the total spending in this budgeting option.
110. Fly-wheel:
This marketing strategy relies on engaging and delighting current customers to use their word of mouth and referrals to grow a business.
111. Focus Group:
A focus group is a group of 6-10 demographically similar individuals to discuss/review a product, service, or marketing campaign. It is a method of market research that gives insight into consumer behavior by posing questions to them.
112. Four P’s of Marketing:
The four P’s of marketing represent product, price, promotion, and place. This is also known as the marketing mix. The marketing mix refers to the set of actions or strategies that a company or a business adopts to promote itself effectively.
113. Freemium:
This is a business model in which the basic features are free. However, if the consumer needs to update the product features or the services or move to more advanced features, they need to shift to premium payments.
114. Frequency:
Frequency is the number of times an ad appears to a user in a specific time frame. A higher ad frequency often leads to the annoyance of the target audience and increases ad fatigue.
115. Friction:
Friction is any point that halts the conversion process of a potential customer. For instance, if you cannot easily find the subscription button, or the ‘add to cart’ or ‘shop now’ button is not clearly visible to a consumer, it causes high friction.
116. Gated Content:
Gated content is any online material that requires the user to fill a form or get a subscription (which could be free or paid) to gain access to it.
117. Generic Brand:
A generic brand is a brand that has no logo or identity of its own. It is only known by the product category it belongs to.
118. Geotargeting:
Geotargeting refers to setting a target market based on the potential customer’s location. With the help of geotargeting, businesses can deliver highly relevant content to the target audience based on their location and, thus, have high chances of converting them.
119. Gross Rating Point, or GRP:
GRP is a measure of impact in advertising. It is calculated by multiplying the frequency of an ad’s exposure with the percentage of the target market that the ad has reached.
120. Guerrilla Marketing:
Guerrilla marketing is an advertising strategy that uses unconventional ways to grab the market’s attention. What you commonly know as a publicity stunt is a form of guerrilla marketing.
121. Guest Posting:
When someone writes on another business’s website, the post is regarded as a guest post, and the process is called guest posting. Guest posting is a tool for creating backlinks and attracting the traffic of host sites to your site.
122. Hard Bounce:
A hard bounce occurs when an email doesn’t get sent because the user’s email address is incorrect.
123. Hashtag:
A hash tag is a word or a phrase preceded by a ‘#’ sign to categorize topics on social media. The use of hashtags is most popular on Twitter and Instagram, while websites, Facebook, and other social media channels also use hashtags.
124. Header:
A header is a section that shows separately on a web page. Website developers can create headers through HTML codes.
125. Heat Map:
A heat map is a map that distinguishes different parts of a web page from each other based on color. Every part of the web page gets a varying level of attention from different users. The heat map depicts the attention each part obtains.
126. Holdover Audience:
Holdover audience is the number of people who watched a program that went on air on a tv or radio channel after the one they were already watching. Since the audience does not join at the time the second program goes on air, you may also call this audience the inherited or carry-over audience.
127. Horizontal Discount:
When you purchase media to broadcast your message over several days, you get a special discount, referred to as a horizontal discount.
128. HTML:
The hypertext markup language is a machine language that tags text files to achieve fonts, colors, and hyperlink effects on the world wide web.
129. Hyperlink:
This refers to data that a user can access on another location only by clicking or tapping on the hyperlinked data (text, image, etc.).
130. Idea Generation:
Idea generation is one of the front-end parts of an idea management funnel. It is the process of visualizing and organizing an idea to develop a solution for an existing problem.
131. Impressions:
This is the number of views or clicks that an ad receives.
132. Inbound Link:
A link coming from another website to your website is known as an inbound link.
133. Inbound Marketing:
Inbound marketing refers to your company’s techniques and processes to help your potential clients find you or to retain your existing customers. It includes attracting, engaging, and delighting them to convert or re-convert them, using marketing channels such as content marketing, search engine optimization, social media marketing, and so on.
134. Index:
In terms of marketing, a portfolio of holdings that has different values is an index.
135. Index Page:
The index page is the page that automatically loads when a web searcher presses the home page button.
136. Influencer:
An influencer is a person who has a digital presence that affects people’s buying behavior. In the current marketing scenario, influencer marketing is a type of endorsement marketing that is carried out on social media platforms.
137. Infographics:
An infographic is a collection of visual material that uses a minimum possible amount of text to define a topic. It uses tools such as images, charts, and pies.
138. Industrial Advertising:
Industrial advertising promotes products and services to businesses that will use the products in their business processes. It is known mainly as B2B advertising – selling a product’s raw materials to the businesses that need them.
139. Integrated Marketing:
This is a marketing approach that uses unified promotional efforts on every medium. Integrated marketing combines advertising, promotion, public relations, and social media, among many other platforms.
140. Internal Link:
An internal link is any link that leads to a page on the same website. Strategic internal linking increases visitors’ dwell time on the website, as the internal links keep leading them to different pages. Ultimately, it helps increase your site’s ranking on search engines, in addition to giving your site a better structure.
141. Jargon:
Jargon refers to special terms and words that only the professionals (or a relevant group) of a specific field use and understand.
For instance, this glossary is a list of marketing (and relevant fields, such as communication, advertising, etc.) jargon with their explanations. You are reading this glossary indicating that you have a marketing background or are trying to dig into it now.
142. Keyword:
A keyword is a word on your page that best describes the content of the web page.
143. Keyword Density:
Keyword density is the number of times you use a keyword in a post or any content type. It is the ratio of the number of times the keyword appears to the total number of words in the content.
144. Keyword Marketing:
Keyword marketing is a technique used to rank on SERPs for specific keywords.
145. Keyword Research:
Keyword research is the core function of an SEO strategy to determine the words that people send queries about to the search engine.
146. Keyword Stuffing:
This is the practice of using the same keyword repetitively in your content in an attempt to rank higher on search engines.
147. Key Performance Indicators:
A key performance indicator is a core value that measures the performance of a company.
148. Key Success Factor:
The key success factor is the competitive task a company must perform to stay in business.
149. Landing Page:
In the general use of the word, a landing page is a page that you land on after clicking on a link in response to a call-to-action. This link could lead you to any page on the website ranging from the home page to a product page, contact, or the lead capture page.
However, in its true essence, a landing page is meant to draw and convert the incoming traffic. In these cases, it is a web page specifically designed for an ad campaign. You can think of it as the page on which a user directly lands without opening the website’s URL.
150. Lead:
A lead is a prospective customer who has started taking an interest in the promotional activities of your brand. A business takes special measures to nurture this lead and convert it in the process called lead nurturing.
151. Lead Generation:
Lead generation is the onset of the sales funnel where you get a stranger interested in your product as a potential customer.
152. Lead Nurturing:
This is the process of engaging and maintaining relationships with the lead at every step of the sales funnel to convert the lead into a paying client.
153. List Broker:
A list broker is someone who provides direct marketing lists, such as a list of phone numbers, to companies.
154. Long-Tail Keywords:
Long-tail keywords are lengthy search queries that are a part of the SEO strategy. They have a greater number of words as compared to short-tail keywords. The long-tail queries are usually more specific in nature and prospects typically tend to use them at a point closer to conversion.
155. Lookalike Audience:
This is a group of cold individuals that share common characteristics with a group of your warm or hot audiences. Therefore, these audiences share the same interest level in your business as the group they look like.
For instance, your current video viewer audience’s lookalikes would share common interests and demographics with the video viewer audience and are highly likely to share the same level of interest in your videos, despite being strangers to your business.
156. Layout:
The layout is the arrangement of particular components in the required order. A website layout is an example.
157. Market:
A market is a physical or digital place where two parties gather to exchange products and services. This exchange could involve barter or may be carried out against a certain amount of money.
158. Marketing Collateral:
Marketing collateral is a collective term referring to any or all the material used to promote your product or service.
159. Marketing Funnel
The marketing funnel is the journey of a customer with a business. It starts when the potential buyer searches for a product and comes across your business as a cold target and ends at the after-sales part.
160. Marketing Plan:
A marketing plan is a document that outlines all the marketing and advertising goals, along with the current marketing position of a company. On top of all these aspects, the most important function of a marketing plan is outlining the exact operation and the measures a company would execute to attain those goals.
161. Media Planning:
Media planning is an advertising strategy that defines the budget and other resources a company will allocate to different advertising media. It covers how, when, and where the company will advertise its products or services to maximize effectiveness and increase conversion rates and profits.
162. Marketing Mix:
A marketing mix is a collection of activities a business uses or controls to market its offering and make up the prospect’s mind. The marketing mix comprises the 4 P’s, i.e., product, price, place, and promotion.
163. Meta Description:
A Meta description is a type of Meta tag that summarizes the content of a web page. The character limit of a meta description is 160 characters per tag. This description doesn’t appear on the web page itself but on the SERPs.
164. Meta Tags:
Meta tags are HTML tags, which are the snippets of text that define the content of a web page. These tags don’t appear on the web page itself; they are used to inform the search engine about the content of the page.
165. Metrics:
A business or marketing metric is a measure to track and evaluate the performance and effectiveness of a process.
For instance, you measure your social media advertising and marketing growth and performance by using metrics like brand awareness, reach, leads, return on investment (or ROI), etc.
166. Microsite:
A microsite is a web page or group of web pages that work as separate units on a website. Some microsites share a domain with your main website, while others exist separately.
167. Mobile Marketing:
Mobile marketing is any promotional activity carried out via mobile devices, such as smartphones, tablets, etc. The target touchpoints of mobile marketing could include one or many of the following: mobile websites, applications, emails, SMS, etc.
168. Monthly Recurring Revenue:
Monthly recurring revenue is the income a business generates every month. It is the predictable revenue that remains constant for months.
169. Minimum Viable Product:
The minimum viable product is the prototype product that contains only basic features to get feedback from the first reviews.
170. Mousetrapping:
Mousetrapping is a technique through which websites keep one-time visitors hooked to their website. Websites repeatedly show PPC links or banners to take the maximum number of chances to engage and convert visitors.
171. Narrowcasting:
Narrowcasting refers to the transmission of television programs through a cable network to a particular target audience. It is also called niche marketing or targeted marketing.
172. Native Marketing:
Native marketing refers to the type of advertising in which ads adapt the look and function of the media or platform they are created for.
173. Newsfeed:
This is the screen or page that keeps updating to show the latest updates or information. For example, your Facebook newsfeed shows you the activities of your friends or groups, etc. Each time you visit your Facebook newsfeed, you see new updates.
174. Newsjacking:
Newsjacking is a common practice whereby businesses take advantage of a recent happening, news story, or an event to promote their own brand or company.
175. Newsletter:
A newsletter is a marketing tool that reports all the recent happenings of a business or provides value to the target audience. These reports are sent to a subscriber/user base to connect with them at regular intervals.
176. Niche:
A niche is defined as the most fitting or appropriate place for a person or thing.
177. Niche Marketing:
When you’re targeting a niche market, you target a market with a specific set of needs. For example, a business dealing in equipment for hearing-impaired people is targeting a niche market.
178. No-Follow Link:
No-follow links are those links to your website that do not improve the rank of a page in search engines because they have a tag that search engines ignore. From the standpoint of SEO, they are of no use to pages when it comes to ranking them on SERPs.
179. Non-profit Marketing:
This refers to the kind of marketing in which a company uses tactics and advertising techniques to spread their message or cause, and even asks for donations to achieve those goals.
180. Offering:
An offering is a complete package that a business offers to its customers. It includes everything from the benefits, packaging, logo, feel, and experience to the after-sales service of a product or service.
181. Off-page SEO:
Off-page SEO is a technique used to optimize a website for search engines. Off-page activities are carried out outside the website but help achieve the same SEO goals, i.e., rank your site higher on SERPs and help attract more traffic to your site. Off-page SEO attains these goals mainly by building PR and enhancing your site’s reputation management, as far as users and search engines are concerned.
182. Omnichannel Marketing:
Omni-channel marketing takes into account the fact that the customer is not confined to a single channel or marketing platform. Therefore, this approach works for a user’s ultimate unified shopping experience on all the relevant media.
183. On-page SEO:
On-page SEO is an optimization technique that uses activities focused on the website itself. The goals of on-page SEO revolve around making the website useful, relevant, and understandable for both users and search engines. Therefore, like other SEO forms, on-page SEO also helps your site rank high and get quality traffic.
184. Open Graph Tag:
Open graph tags are tags that users add to their posts on social media, especially Facebook. Such a tag links to a web page with a preview to the site before the user clicks on it.
185. Opener:
This is the introduction, or the starting portion, of any content – such as blogs, articles, video, audio, etc. – present right after the title.
186. Opt-in Form:
Opt-in forms ask the users to give personal information and fill out a form. This information generally includes the user’s name, email address, phone number, and interests, among other things. You can send opt-in forms to targets through paid advertisements or attach them to your web pages.
187. Organic Traffic:
Organic traffic refers to visitors to a web page coming from search engines without the involvement of paid advertisement.
188. Page Authority:
Page authority is a metric developed by Moz to determine how well a web page will rank on search engines. The higher the score on a scale from one to a hundred (1-100), the higher the SERP rank.
189. Paid Search Traffic:
Paid search traffic refers to the audience that sees relevant ads on search engines when the search engine users type in a keyword. Search engines charge a certain amount only when your link gets clicked – a payment and advertising model called pay-per-click.
Therefore, paid search traffic is a uniquely reasonable option for businesses in that search engines do not charge them while serving the ads to the audience against their keyword, unless the ad is clicked.
190. Pass-along Rate:
Pass-along rate is a measure of the number of customers that forward a promotional message to other people. Therefore, in essence, you are trying to measure the word-of-mouth rate through the pass-along rate.
191. Payment Threshold:
The payment threshold is the amount of money a payer needs to maintain in the account to enable transactions or payment issuance.
192. Pay-per-click Advertising:
Pay-per-click or PPC is a model of internet advertising in which the advertiser pays a certain amount each time a user clicks on their ad. The advertiser only pays when an ad is clicked.
Search engine advertising is a popular category of pay-per-click advertising.
193. Personalized Marketing:
Personalized marketing is a type of marketing in which companies send content to their customers individually and tell them what they have to offer. Therefore, it is also popularly known as one-to-one marketing.
194. Personas:
These are imaginary or fictional characters that represent different groups of your target audience.
195. Pixels:
Pixels, also known as tracking pixels, are information about website visitors and their activity. They are very helpful to advertisers, who learn about the audience’s behavior and decide the type of the ads with the conversion event that should be tracked for a specific audience.
196. Podcast:
A podcast is a digital audio series that a user can download on their devices to listen to at an appropriate time.
197. Point-of-purchase:
Point-of-purchase is a retail marketing term that refers to the point (place and time) where a purchase transaction is completed.
198. Point-of-sales:
Point-of-sales is the same as point-of-purchase, but from the seller’s end. At this point, the seller prepares an invoice for the transaction and completes the sale.
199. Power Words:
These words trigger an emotional or psychological response in an individual to motivate them to take a desired action. Some examples include discount, sale, last chance, unique, stunning, now, dirty, clever, genuine, and proven.
200. Product Differentiation:
Product differentiation means using techniques and planning strategies to make your product different from others. Advertisers tell the audience why they should be trusted and what makes them different from their competitors. The use of unique advertisements is one way to ensure product differentiation as they help the product stand out.
201. Product Life Cycle:
The product life cycle is the time involved from when a product is introduced into the market to when it goes off the shelves. A product life cycle has four stages: introduction, growth, maturity, and decline.
202. Product Positioning:
Product positioning means presenting the advantages of your product or service to a specific targeted audience. It is done through effective advertising campaigns and research. Advertisers also keep in mind the expected response from the audience.
203. Psychographics:
Psychographics is the market segmentation technique that uses different psychological aspects of a potential buyer, such as values, interests, opinions, and beliefs.
204. Public Relations:
Public relations are a part of the advertising communication process that involves the mutual interaction of brands and their stakeholders for shared benefits.
205. Publicity:
This is the process of creating awareness about a particular product, service, or organization.
206. QR Code:
This is a barcode that contains a matrix of dots and squares that only a QR code reader (machine) can read and interpret
207. Qualified Leads:
Qualified leads are those individuals who have shown an interest in your business products or services, or have a higher chance of becoming business customers than other leads.
208. Qualitative Research:
Qualitative research uses non-numeric data for a better understanding of a phenomenon. It relies on the first-hand observation of the research material, interviews, documents, audio and video recordings, etc.
209. Quality Score:
The quality score is a metric that gauges the quality of any digital promotional content. The quality score strongly influences the ad position of ads (in search engines) and the amount an advertiser is charged per click.
210. Quantitative Research:
Quantitative research involves the testing of numeric data for market research purposes.
211. Query:
A search term that a user enters into the search engine to find relevant information is a query.
212. Rate Card:
A rate card refers to a written document containing price descriptions and definitions for the different ad placement options available in a commercial service industry, such as an advertising service industry. The purpose of these documents is to determine which advertising options can get the highest percentage of revenue through an ad posting.
213. Reach:
Reach refers to the total number of people who have seen your promotional material.
214. Reciprocal link:
The method of exchanging links between two websites is called a reciprocal link. If you are looking to increase the amount of website traffic to your website, the reciprocal link technique is one of the best to follow. Many companies use this type of link building when trying to drive web traffic to their websites.
215. Red Ocean strategy:
Red ocean strategy is the counter-narrative of blue ocean strategy, where a business penetrates an already existing market. Here, the companies focus on taking advantage of the already established demand for an offering and make efforts to beat the competition.
216. Referral:
A referral is a strategy that your firm or company uses to encourage customers to introduce your business to their friends and family, in order to convert them into new customers. Referrals are critical to the success of your internet marketing campaigns.
217. Relationship Marketing:
Relationship marketing is a strategy focused on greater customer engagement through loyalty inducing programs.
218. Remarketing:
Remarketing is a technique that pushes targeted ads towards those customers who have already purchased from a business or have shown interest in its products or services but did not finish buying the product or service.
219. Remarketing Lists for Search Ads (RLSA):
RLSA is a feature that allows you to customize your ad campaigns for the people who have already visited your business website. With the help of RLSA, you can retarget those visitors once they search the web for the products and services you offer after they have already visited your site.
220. Responsive Design:
Responsive design is a strategy in web designing that makes a website capable of running on several different devices and screens. Responsive design in digital marketing is gaining popularity rapidly as it allows the content to adapt to the user’s mobile device, giving a device-friendly user experience.
221. Retargeting:
Retargeting is reaching out to a prospect with a customized offer, ad, or content based on their previous interaction with your business.
222. Return On Ad Spend (ROAS):
ROAS stands for Return On Ad Spend and is a key component of any ad campaign. Return on Ad Spend doesn’t only give you an overview of how well your advertising campaign is performing; it also provides insight into the overall amount of sales conversion actions your company is generating.
223. Return On Investment (ROI):
Return on investment is a rate of return that compares the costs of a business with the profits. A high ROI indicates that the returns of the investment far out-compete its costs. ROI, as a performance metric, is usually employed to measure the efficiency of a particular investment or compare various other investments’ efficacies.
224. Rich Media:
Rich media is an advertiser’s tool to enhance interaction between content and viewers. . It is the perfect way to bring your digital marketing campaigns into the 21st century. It brings together video, audio, graphics, and text, and integrates them all into one seamless experience that leaves your customers entertained and coming back for more.
225. RSS:
Really Simple Syndication, also known as RSS, is a publishing mechanism for the web that enables the syndication of content from the news source to a large number of RSS feed readers. These are the readers who can automatically read news content and even updates by merely subscribing to them.
226. SaaS:
SaaS is an abbreviation of Software as a Service. It is a method of giving applications online involving a third-party provider. It is a category of cloud computing.
227. Sales:
Sales refer to a transaction involving two or more parties who exchange goods, services, or experiences against a certain amount of money.
228. Sales Funnel:
The sales funnel is the process through which a potential target turns into a paying customer. A sales funnel has various stages, but it is broadly divided into the top, middle, and bottom, whereby targets keep getting closer to the conversion step as they go down the funnel.
229. Self-serve Advertising:
Self-serve advertising refers to an advertiser’s ability to run their advertising campaign on their own, without the help of an advertising agency. This could be done in several ways, but has the limitation of having a smaller audience.
230. Search Engine:
A search engine is an integrated software system designed to gather answers for web search queries.
231. Search Engine Marketing:
Search engine marketing is the set of practices carried out to leverage the benefits of the paid traffic to a website.
232. Search Engine Optimization:
Search engine optimization is a set of practices carried out to increase the organic traffic to a web page. All the SEO efforts are directed towards formulating web pages that have more visibility on search engines and successfully get more traffic.
233. Search Engine Result Page:
A SERP is a result page that appears on a search engine as someone searches for a keyword or phrase on the web.
234. Segmentation:
Segmentation is the technique used to divide a heterogeneous market into smaller uniform chunks based on parameters such as demographics, psychographics, or behavioral patterns.
235. Sessions:
A session refers to all the activity of a user on your website within a specific time frame. This means that if a user visits your website and downloads some things, browses some web pages, or carries out some other activity before leaving, it is taken as one session.
236. Shopping Cart:
A shopping cart is software that is generally used by eCommerce websites to facilitate the buying process. It adds the purchasable items, proceeds to the order conformation and then to the payment collection from the customer. In short, a cart acts as a bridge between the consumer and the website for the ‘give and take’ process (paying and receiving).
237. Slogan:
The slogan is the motto or goal of a business shared in advertising to attract more prospects and audiences. It is supposed to be catchy and unique because its core purpose is to stick to a target’s mind and leave a positive impact.
238. Social Media:
Social media is a set of digitally present platforms used to share ideas, processes, and information to the users of each platform.
239. Social Proof:
Social proof is also known as informational social influence and it refers to assuming role of other people – such as experts or friends – in your place and thinking about what they would do in the situation at hand. Businesses often use the power of social proof to make up a prospect’s mind and convince them to purchase, especially when the prospect appears confused.
240. Soft Bounce:
Soft bounce refers to an email that could not be delivered because of any problem on the recipient’s end in an email marketing campaign. The most obvious and common reason behind a soft bounce could be that the recipient’s inbox is already full and cannot receive any more emails.
241. Socio-Economic Classification:
Socio-economic classification is a market segmentation technique that uses income, education, and occupation as parameters of classification.
242. Spam:
Spam is unsought internet content, generally an ad, from an unknown sender. It is called spam because it is sent frequently.
243. Spider:
Spider is a program that visits new and updated websites to collect their data and information to link them to the search engine index. It is also known as a Crawler.
244. Stickiness:
Stickiness refers to how well a company interacts with and resonates with its prospects and customers. An increasing level of stickiness ensures that a company will stick in the minds of its potential and current customers.
Many companies have established customer care centers to communicate with their customers, providing the maximum possible help and support. A positive experience like this with a company increases the stickiness of the business.
245. Subliminal Message:
Subliminal messages are the hidden messages in an advertisement. The word subliminal means “below the threshold,” referring to the fact that you can’t consciously perceive such messages.
246. Tagline:
The tagline is a slogan or a catchphrase that businesses often use to promote their marketing goal. It can be used to construct a strong marketing strategy. The tagline must be relevant to your audience and present your product or service suitably and effectively.
247. Target Market:
A target market is a market segment to which a business wants to sell its offering.
248. Testimonial:
A testimonial is a token of authentication from a user to a business. It is called a sales pitch if it is from the general public and an endorsement when a celebrity gives it.
249. Through The Line Advertising:
Through the line or TTL advertising is an integrated marketing approach combining both above and below the line advertising techniques to convert more prospects and generate more revenue.
250. Thumbnail:
A thumbnail is a compressed version of a larger image. The idea behind this compression is mainly to better organize and manage larger images.
251. Top Of The Funnel:
This is the first stage in the sales process, where a brand uses strategies to create brand awareness among its potential buyers – individuals that are yet strangers to the brand.
252. Transaction Email:
A transaction email is an automated message sent to users relating to commercial transactions.
253. Tweet:
The brief (240-character long) message posted on the social networking , Twitter, is called a tweet.
254. Unique Selling Proposition:
A unique selling proposition, commonly called a USP, is the feature of a brand that is unique to that brand only. It helps a business appear to be a better choice when compared to other options in the market.
It is also termed as the unique selling point or unique value proposition.
255. Unique Visitor:
The term “unique visitor” refers to your website’s traffic during a specific period, depicting the actual number of people visiting your site instead of the actual number of visits to the site. The unique visitor counter will only increase if a new visitor visits the website. Multiple visits by the same individual won’t impact the counter.
256. User-Generated Content (UGC):
The content that users create for a business is known as UGC. It can be reviews or testimonials in text, image, or video form.
257. User Experience:
User experience, or UX, in digital marketing refers to the overall impression or quality of an individual’s experience using a specific product, software, or service, primarily delivered through the internet. It is the individual’s impression and feelings when they use the product or the service.
258. User Interface:
The user interface is the means of enhancing the interaction between the user and the product or service. The user interface aims to make a customer more comfortable with your product, thus increasing the likelihood of their purchase.
259. Variable:
The term “variable” refers to the opposite of “fixed” or “asset.” Variable generally means something that keeps changing in value. It is mostly numeric.
260. Video Marketing:
Video marketing is a digital advertising strategy that uses video as a tool for promoting a business offering.
261. Viral Content:
Viral content can be anything that spreads quickly over the internet. It refers to patterns or objects that can replicate themselves rapidly by being exposed or otherwise infecting another item with a copy. Viral content gets uniquely high traction or awareness online through repeated link-sharing or even through word of mouth.
262. Vision Statement:
The vision statement is a great way to get your product’s, the brand’s or the businesses idea out there and in front of the right people at the right time. It depicts how you see your business’s future or what you aspire to achieve for your business in a given time frame.
263. Visual Appeal:
Visual appeal is the aesthetic aspect of a design. In terms of marketing, we measure the visual appeal by the extent of the traction a brand gets from the customers through the overall visual look and feel of the designed elements, logo, packaging, and so on.
264. vLog:
A vlog, or a video blog, is the video equivalent of a blog. You can create and upload a video for as many viewers as you want, based on a piece of information, experiences, thoughts, and ideas. To promote your vLog and increase its reach, word of mouth or paid online advertising can be used as effective tools.
265. Voiceover:
This refers to the recorded voice of the unspoken thoughts of a character or the spoken words of an invisible character in a video’s background.
266. Webinar:
A webinar is an online seminar on a specific topic or area of interest. It usually carries out training, informs, or entertains, and may or may not include the speaker’s imagery, while slides are presented on the topic. Some webinars allow the audiences to be seen as well.
267. Website:
A collection of several web pages with a separate identity on the world wide web is called a website. The collection of such websites is referred to as the World Wide Web.
268. Web Hosting:
Web hosting provides a service of storage and connectivity to a website to be viewed on the internet. Servers are used to host the websites.
269. Web Usability:
This is the specific branch of web designing that deals with the performance and adaptability gained by allowing users to interact with your website with ease, effectiveness, and satisfaction.
270. White Paper Content:
White paper content is the descriptive guide surrounding a specific topic. It is created for educating potential or existing customers about a business.
271. Word of Mouth:
Word-of-mouth marketing occurs when a customer endorses a business offering in his or her day-to-day conversations. It leads to a positive brand image in the minds of the people who have heard the endorsement. These endorsements might, in turn, convert individuals, spread the word further, or do both.
272. WordPress:
WordPress is a free content management system used to design and maintain websites. It features various plugins that make writing and content management easy and efficient!
273. XML Sitemap:
This is a special document guide that structures your website and lists all your website pages, in order for the search engine to crawl it effectively and understand its structure well.
274. Yoast:
The Yoast SEO plugin is a tool designed to make your site meet SEO standards with a higher level of ease than you would otherwise experience. It gives you access to many tools that make your content highly readable and SEO optimized!
275. YouTube:
YouTube is an online video-sharing platform used extensively for digital marketing to promote your ideas, products, or services.
276. Zero-Cost Strategy:
Zero-cost strategy refers to a marketing tactic or strategy executed without any expense on the part of the business. Some guerrilla marketing techniques are examples of zero-cost strategies.
And that’s all we have for now!
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