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Lead Generation

A step-by-step guide to creating content that drives you leads based traffic

SEO Content traffic

Most content marketing will go viral, creating loads of hot traffic to your blog while other material will be lost in archives. You have to put your readers first if you want more of the first kind. If you ignore the target audiences’ needs, there are chances you might not get the desired results. It is not always about the quantity that matters in the content but the quality should be equally considered if you want to get benefits from content marketing services. 

A content marketing institute states “Business-to-business (B2B) marketers who have a documented strategy are more effective and less challenged with every aspect of content marketing.”

IF you are interested in getting the leads based traffic you must follow a proper step by step guide to creating useful content.

  1. Find content ideas that are proven to convert: 

Over the past many years we see a tremendous change in the way of writing content for blogs and content marketing platforms. The demand for the marketing of new, high-value content is significant. If you spend time in making it, you’re going to reap the benefits. But, it’s intense competitiveness. Most marketers will give up but those who learn the tricks and get feedback from the customer will develop their company. Thanks to blog posts, infographics, videos, magazine covers, online articles, slide share presentations, and more, you will get new and creative ideas. Valuable ideas will help you develop a marketing plan for the content which will generate quality leads for your company. If you want to gain momentum in the blogging communities and search engine results pages (SERPs) and make the efforts of your overall content marketing campaign stand out, you have to generate interesting headlines and elicit emotions that will make your readers want more.

  • Optimize your copy like you would for a landing page:

Visitors, according to Nielsen Norman Group, read just about 20 percent of the material on a web page on average. If that’s real, then your job is to make sure your content marketing makes important points stand out. There are different models that one can use to optimize the conversion one of them and the most famous is the LIFT Model.

The LIFT model is generally associated with the design and copy of the landing page, but the model can be used for any material, irrespective of which platform you create content for. The 6 elements that make up the LIFT model are value proposition, urgency, importance, clarification, anxiety, and annoyance, to generate compelling, fantastic content that converts.

  • Your content should have a basic purpose which then flows from every item. We all want to make a good first impression, as content marketers and bloggers. You can achieve that goal with a good value proposition. There should be a simple and straightforward value proposition. Seek not to use too many words, or offend anyone with odd phrases. 
  • No one in their right mind wants any important tool to miss out on. If you use the availability or time constraint in your content, people will respond to it.
  • Will the material corresponds to what you wanted the visitor to see? This is all about importance. A lot of content marketing is a misalignment to the business’ target.
  • To everyone, but particularly to writers and digital marketers, the lack of clarity in writing can hinder communication. Consequently, they would not be able to solve the issues of consumers, let alone have the right solutions. Clarity is a symbol that you know what you are thinking about and what you are writing. Your thought s and your expression must be clear.   
  • You may use the anxiety to increase or decrease conversions. Used favorably, this makes the buyers want to buy back and forth. It is being used negatively and scares off potential buyers.

3. Craft attention-grabbing headlines:

“Writing convincing headlines” has almost become a stereotype, but I think it is still worth noting because this advice is the basis of a great marketing plan for content. Good content which also converts has to stand out from a growing crowd of similar content. “A bad headline would make your post invisible,” says Brian Clark. The boom of good content struggles for the attention of the reader. Your competition is also growing with the rise of inbound marketing. This means that if you spend enough time enhancing the headlines, the views of the content page, social media shares, and conversions are likely to increase. When it comes to making attention-grabbing headlines, you have to consider headlines that have earned a large number of shares and connections in social media. Such viral stories can then be modeled to generate more powerful ones.

4. When you write, write conversationally:

The way you write will make your business effort on content easy to read and personalize. Do you prefer to write the way you speak? Many people don’t think it works but it does. You will overcome your insecurities and open up your writing immensely when you accept the easy writing advice. Take on a passionate reader. Make a habit of reading and you will be a much better blogger. It will make you a stronger and more successful writer and increase your content marketing strategy’s engagement as well.

5. Format your writing for readability:

Readability has as much to do with the layout and design as with excellent material and quality of writing. To make your writing interesting, and drive leads to your company, three aspects must be covered:

Ø Good Writing

Ø Good Design

Ø Good Idea

If you want to engage your readers with your material, then you have to make it readable. Your text blocks must be formatted with plenty of white space.

If you create content, note that to get social media shares, social signals, and the kind of attention that can boost your content readership and search engine rankings, you have to promote it. The Importance of content marketing cannot be ignored in today’s world. Nowadays, there are many Content Marketing agencies that help the businessmen to develop or write good content for their companies.



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