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Search Engine Optimization(SEO) – A Basic Over View

Search Engine Optimization

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) introduces to techniques that help our website rank higher in natural (organic) search results, therefore making our website more and more visible to people who are looking for our products or search through a search engine. SEO is actually the part of a broader subject of Search Engine Marketing which is used to describe all marketing designs for search and it entails both organic and paid search.

Organic search results are the web page listings that are most closely match the user’s search question based on relevance, however, paid search is one of that in which we can pay to list our website on a search engine so it only shows results when a specific keyword or phrase is used. Both these listings visible on the search engine, but both have different locations on the web page. The most important thing is how it works. Search Engines have one main objective i.e. to provide the most relevant results that are possible for the query or question being searched. Search Engine hold methods for gathering and prioritizing content on the website. The main method used in the search engine is indexing. If the website is not indexed, it is impossible for the website to display in the search results.

Search Engine actually works to scan the whole online universe and then index all the information so when anyone enters any query they can show it easily and an algorithm is used by the search engine to determine the relevance of the information that has been searched by the searcher. There are some factors that a search engine algorithm may consider when it decides that what to show in the search engine results page (SERP) includes:

• The geographic location of the user.
• Historical acts of listings (that includes clicks, bounce rates, etc).
• Link quality.
• Webpage contents.
• Back end content.
• Link type (social media sharing, or link is from a media outlet, blog, etc).

Search Engine has bots or crawlers that repeatedly scan the web, indexing the whole content and also the links on each webpage to other web pages. The search engine bots scan each page on our website, also find suggestion about the nature of the topics that our website holds and scan our website’s back-end codes for specific tags, instructions and other descriptions. These search engine bots not only scan web pages for indexing but also look for links coming from other websites.

However, there are three major elements that a search engine demands while determining where to list a website on the SERP and that is rank authority and relevance. Rank is the position that our website physically falls in on SERP when a certain query is entered for the search. It is not tough to get our website to index and also to rank on the search engine. Authority has a direct relation with the inbound links and to get the more and more influential or authoritative position it is much important for a website to have strong inbound links. Relevance is considered as the most critical factor of SEO as it not only sees the keywords that are using but also find clues to determine the relevance of the content as mentioned above.



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